Explorers (ages 14-18)

Shackleton Explorer Scout Unit

Our Explorer Unit meets every week on Wednesdays during term time between 7:30pm-9pm. The Explorers stand on their own two feet, take charge of their own Scouting Journey, rise to the challenge and make memories that last a lifetime.

Being an Explorer

Explorers use the skills they learned in Scouts to transform themselves into individuals who can think and act independently. They take the lead in creating their own challenging programme of activities and events.

The Explorer programme at St. Mark’s aims to help Explorers:

  • Become independent individuals
  • Develop resilience and confidence
  • Work effectively in a team and respect others
  • Have the courage to lead
  • Make a difference in their community

Explorer Uniform

For their meetings and often on trips away Explorers wear a beige shirt and a coloured scarf or ‘necker’. The 7th Harrogate St. Mark’s necker is red with a blue trim and identifies our group. Typically the shirt is worn with navy blue trousers, especially so for formal events such as Remembrance Sunday and St. George’s Day Parades. Badges are sewn onto the shirt and our Uniform and Badges page provides information on where badges should be sewn and which badges need to be transferred between uniforms when moving up to Explorers from Scouts.

Wearing a uniform is an important part of Scouting and something that we strongly encourage. It helps reinforce that everyone is part of the worldwide family of Scouts, part of our Scout Group and part of the Troop. The uniform also plays a role in reminding Explorers of their Scouting journey as they can see their achievements in the form of the badges that they sew onto their uniforms.

Information on where to buy uniform can be found on our Uniform and Badges page.

The Explorer Unit

The Explorer unit comprises a small number adult leaders who support the Explorers in planning and organising their programme of activities, As in the Scout troop and in recognition of their maturity Explorers refer to the leaders using their first names,

With the support, direction and guidance of Unit leaders, Explorers will be encouraged to lead themselves, design their own programme and work towards the top awards that Scouting offers. With exciting prospects like being a part of camps and expeditions and other adventurous activities; Explorers offers fun and adventure.

Joining Scouts and an adult and becoming a leader is rewarding experience and allows you to make a difference to young peoples’ lives equipping them with “Skills for Life” See our Get Involved page for more information on Joining us.

An Explorers Promise

Shortly after the joining the Unit, an Explorer will be invested. The investiture is a short, but important, ceremony that celebrates the new Explorer joining the Unit. At their investiture, Explorers make their promise in front of the Unit, the Leaders and their family. As a symbol of unity and respect and in common with many Scouts before them, they do this whilst holding the Unit standard.

More information on the Scout promise can be found in the box below.

Explorer Promise

As a values based movement we all make the ‘The Promise’ an oath that helps us to be our best

Learn the Scout Promise

Recognising Achievements

Explorers work towards their Chief Scout Platinum and Diamond Awards and can go on to achieve the King’s Scout Award, the highest award in Scouting. As with the earlier sections the Explorers can also complete activity badges, covering a range of practical skills and activities, and are encouraged to complete these independently. The box below contains links to more information on awards and badges for Explorers.


Explorers start small but think big, always challenging themselves to do more and be more. It all starts with an award.

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