Moving Section

Moving on from Beavers to Cubs typically involves going to both Beavers and Cubs for a couple of weeks. This helps the Beavers get used to their new Pack, and get a taste of the kind of activities that Cubs get up to.

A moving on or “Swimming Up” ceremony usually happens after those moving up have been to both Beavers and Cubs for a few weeks. The “Swimming Up” ceremony is an opportunity to celebrate the Beaver’s time in the Colony, welcome them to their new Cub Pack, and remember that Scouts is a journey. Beavers swim under a blanket, symbolising a river, changing from their Beaver sweatshirt to their Cub sweatshirt.

As Cubs reach 10½ they get ready to move up to Scouts. Depending on spaces available in Scouts, this may not take place immediately. 

Cubs will link to Scouts (i.e. attend both Cub and Scout meetings) for a period two or three weeks, after which they will have completed their Moving On Award. This helps Cubs get used to their new Troop, experience the Scout programme, and also look back on their Journey through Cubs and everything that they have achieved.